Photodegradation is the decomposition of the compound semiconductor with light. This study aims to determine the photocatalytic activity of TiO2-N / zeolite-chitosan granules by studying the effect of TiO2-N impregnation on zeolites, light source, and the effect of exposure time on the photodegradation of Methylene Blue (MB). Zeolites are activated with HCl 0.4 M. TiO2-N synthesized by the method of sonication with urea as N source, then TiO2-N impregnated into the zeolite. Beads photocatalyst TiO2-N/zeolite-chitosan synthesized by mixing chitosan / acetic acid with a photocatalyst then dripped by syringe pump into 0.4 M NaOH to form granules. The energy band gap of the photocatalyst was determined by Reflactance Diffuse Spectroscopy (DRS). Beads photocatalyst TiO2-N/zeolite-chitosan tested their activity by adding 0,1g beads photocatalyst TiO2-N/zeolite-chitosan with 25 mL MB 20 mg / L and irradiated with sunlight/UV for 1-5 hours. The characterization results DRS beads photocatalyst TiO2-N/zeolite-chitosan has an energy band gap of 2.4 eV. The results showed that impregnation on zeolites can increase photodegradation MB. Light source also affects the catalytic activity of TiO2-N / zeolite-chitosan beads, sunlight provides greater activity than UV rays. The longer the exposure to the sun for up to 5 hours, TiO2-N/zeolite-chitosan granules can degrade MB amounted to 55.08%.
Keywords: beads, TiO2-N, Methylene Blue, zeolite, chitosan.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21776/ub.jeest.2016.003.02.2
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